NovaRei Solutions provides support to the following customers
- BWXT Nuclear Operations Group, Inc.
- Fluor
- Fluor B&W Portsmouth, LLC
- Fluor Idaho, LLC
- Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership, LLC
- General Electric, Inc.
- Isotek Systems, LLC
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Numark Associates, Inc.
- Professional Project Services, Inc.
- UCOR/Amentum
BWXT Nuclear Operations Group, Inc. March 2020 to Present
BWXT Nuclear Operations Group (NOG) operates a facility licensed by the NRC to manufacture naval nuclear reactors for submarines and aircraft carriers. BWXT NOG-L is in the process of improving the facility’s safety basis documentation, particularly in the area of revision controlled Nuclear Criticality Safety Evaluations (NCSEs) by replacing multiple NCSEs with a single revision-controlled Process Analysis (PA). NovaRei Solutions is performing revision-controlled Process Analysis (PAs), NCS support, and NCS calculations at the BWXT NOG-L facility.
Idaho Cleanup Project July 2018 to Present
Fluor Idaho, LLC is performing stabilizing and dispositioning of spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste, disposition of transuranic waste, closing the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center tank farm, maintaining CERCLA remediation actions, and operating the RWMC facility infrastructure for the DOE Office of Environmental (EM) cleanup mission at the Idaho Site. NovaRei Solutions was awarded a blanket technical services agreement (BTSA) to provide a variety of staff augmentation personnel to the Idaho Cleanup Project (ICP). Our personnel are performing nuclear criticality safety (NCS), construction coordinator supervision support of the ICP Integrated Waste Treatment Unit (IWTU) project maintenance and repair project, work control planning procedures for the IWTU project, civil engineer/structural engineering, and CAD design support of the IWTU and waste treatment processes at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL).
Portsmouth Decommissioning and Demolition Project June 2016 to Present
Fluor B&W, LLC (FBP) is performing deactivation, demolition, and disposal of all Gaseous Diffusion Plant (GDP) facilities, process equipment, related process buildings and other ancillary GDP facilities, remediation of soils and groundwater, and disposition of uranium material for the DOE Portsmouth Paducah Project Office (PPPO) at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS). NovaRei Solutions is performing nuclear criticality safety (NCS) support, NCS assessments, NCS calculations, and NCS evaluations (NCSEs) at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant. NCS support is primarily being conducted to achieve criticality incredible (CI) in the X-326 and X-333 hazard category 2 nuclear facilities. We are providing NCS support to FBP X-705 operations, particularly performing NCSEs for GDP cascade equipment tear-down and decontamination operations, and tunnel spray booth decontamination operations. NovaRei Solutions is performing NCSEs for X-333 Material Sizing Area (MSA) operations which include operations dismantle, clean, and downsize process gas equipment for more manageable shipping, disposal and/or long-term storage. We also performed analysis quantitative & qualitative gamma spectroscopy and neutron emission and Genie IEU modeling for determining the total measurement uncertainty (TMU) of the non-destructive assay (NDA) radiation detecting equipment for FBP Quality System for Non-destructive Assay (QSNDA) program.
Paducah Deactivation & Remediation Project July 2015 to Present
Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership, LLC (FRNP) is performing deactivation and remediation of the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP) for the DOE Portsmouth Paducah Project Office (PPPO). The scope of activities being performed by include uranium removal, 99Tc treatment, continued optimizing facility systems/structures to minimize short-term and long-term Surveillance and Maintenance (S&M) costs, environmental monitoring, maintain/operate waste storage facilities, and perform soil remediation/landfill activities. NovaRei Solutions is performing characterization, nuclear criticality safety (NCS), nuclear safety, and quality system nondestructive assay (QSNDA) support at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP). This support includes performing characterization of the PGDP facilities, revision of the NCS program description and supporting NCS procedures, NCS evaluation (NCSE) and NCS determinations (NCSD) support for the PGDP facilities, preparing and peer reviewing un-reviewed safety question determinations (USQDs) for procedures, plans, and work control documents in support of Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership (FRNP)/Fluor Paducah Deactivation Project (FPDP) activities, assist in development of revised safety basis documentation (DSA and TSR), and provide NCS and nuclear safety support for Environmental Remediation Projects (i.e., LATA‑Sharp).
URENCO USA Enrichment Facility Project October 2020 to Present
NovaRei Solutions is performing nuclear criticality safety (NCS) analysis and design activities in support of the facility, engineering programs and projects at the URENCO USA Enrichment Facility. We are supporting the Conceptual Evaluation Phase (CEP) project to relicense and modify the UUSA site to be capable of producing and transporting LEU+ in addition to existing LEU.